🎁NFT pack

Buy NFT pack and try your luck now = https://wednesday-nft.com/nft-pack

Check out our NFTs =

You get real erc-721 NFTs from the box, which you can see in your wallet.

At this moment there is no max limit on NFTs from the packs. Meaning you can buy and mint any amount. This is done, because NFTs are used to increase staking %.

1 NFT Pack = 1 NFT

1 Pack with NFT = 10$, you CAN BUY ONLY WITH $ADDAMS

10% = referral system 50% = Treasury 40% = Marketing + development

From the NFT pack, you can get 1 of 3 basic NFTs, to get better grades of NFTs you need to use NFT charming

*Boost - be carefull, this percent means boosting BASIC APR PERCENT in $ADDAMS staking NOT basic + boost For example, basic percent is 15% APR, you have Enid, so it's 10% boost. 15% + (15/100*10) = 15% + 1.5% = 16.5% APR

Last updated